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Nau mai, Haere Mai. Welcome to Our Place.
Do you want a new Community Hub in Wakefield?
Do you want a new Community Hub in Wakefield?
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What is Our Place?

Our Place is a new community hub in Wakefield, a place where we can play, connect and socialise together.  Our Place will replace the existing village hall with a modern and future-proofed hub serving a wide range of activities: sports, fitness, meetings, community groups, performing arts, functions, parties, heritage and more…

Why now?

Our Village Hall is small, old and doesn’t come close to meeting earthquake building standards.  It will not be upgraded, so we need to replace it or risk having no Community Centre in Wakefield in the next few years.

The Tasman District Council’s 10-Year Plan is being reviewed in early 2024, so now is the time for our community to make sure Our Place has a prominent place in the new 10-Year Plan.

It’s decades since we’ve seen any significant investment in community facilities in Wakefield.  We’ve watched as other communities in Tasman got new or upgraded halls and sports centres, and now it’s our turn.

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Wakefield River Track
How can I support Our Place?

We’ve been talking about Our Place for a few years, and you may already have helped by attending a community meeting, talking to our steering group and contributing your ideas in the earliest stages.  Thank you!    

We’re pleased to share the first draft concept plan for the proposed community hub.  We know this concept design will get you thinking about what is good, what is missing and what can be done differently.  NOTHING is set in stone, timber, steel or concrete at this stage.  We want your input, inspiration, and ingenuity to complete the picture, co-creating a new Hub for our Village that works now and in the future.  Check out the draft concept plan here and send us your feedback.

We really do want to hear from you!

See Concept Plan
How do I give feedback on the concept plan?

Sending us your feedback is easy.

You can:


In Person

By coming to one of our public forum sessions; check our Facebook page or Window on Wakefield for dates and times.

Help us get the word out!

Share with friends and your community.

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Connect with us

Do you need more information?  Do you have ideas about what you want in a new community hub?  Do you want to be a bigger part of this great project?  Contact us here.


Be sure to follow us via social media to keep up to date with the latest news and events!

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